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senior doctors中文是什么意思

用"senior doctors"造句"senior doctors"怎么读"senior doctors" in a sentence


  • 高级医生


  • Eminent senior doctors and dentists taking part in research , teaching or clinical practice
  • They learn to do so by working closely with senior doctors during their internships
  • Supporters of the measure say it would allow terminally ill patients to die with dignity when no senior doctors are available to make resuscitation decision
  • The ideals that study participants cited can be taught to doctors in a number of ways , such as by having medical residents watch skilled senior doctors interact with patients
  • In ha s setting where there is strong professional leadership and emphasis on team work , senior doctors have the responsibility to help and provide guidance to inexperienced doctors to interact with patients so as to build up mutual understanding and trust
  • In addition , to ensure that no urgent medical conditions are overlooked at the initial triage , all referrals that have been classified as routine cases would be double - checked by a senior doctor in the relevant specialty within seven working days of the triaging
  • If necessary , the waiting time can be as short as a few days . in addition , to ensure that no urgent medical conditions are overlooked at the initial triage , all referrals that have been classified as routine cases would be double - checked by a senior doctor in the relevant specialty within seven working days of the triaging
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